Psychiatrist Liu Xiaoqing 01/27/24 Lecture content at Houston Corner Counseling Center
Shi Liang Guobing's transcript
Common features between COVID-19 and influenza:
COVID-19 and influenza are both acute respiratory infections, caused by viruses, which are contagious and have asymptomatic carriers. There are similar symptoms: fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, headache, general weakness, and may have gastrointestinal symptoms.
Differences between COVID-19 and influenza:
The new coronavirus is faster and more contagious, has more severe cases, and easily attacks people with underlying diseases. The new coronavirus has caused a lot of casualties and is prone to sequelae, and threatening mutant strains continue to emerge.
Anxiety after COVID-19
Post Traumatic Disorder
The patient has experienced or witnessed a life-threatening event that caused intense fear, fear, and helplessness. Psychologically, repeated experiences of traumatic events with persistent strong memories, impressions, and feelings, such as recurring nightmares or persistent strong avoidance behaviors, such as nervousness: insomnia, irritability, distraction, and jumps. Symptoms affect work and life and last for more than a month.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive thoughts, such as recurring thoughts, impulses, and images that cause anxiety and restlessness. The patient realizes that thoughts, impulses, and images are products of his or her own mind, but has no control over their generation. Obsessive-compulsive behaviors are when patients try to use certain behaviors or actions to resolve them, so that they affect interpersonal relationships, work and study.
Social phobia
Persistent fear of being teased, humiliated, and ridiculed in social settings, usually with strangers. May trigger panic attacks. I know it is unnecessary, but I have no control over it. They try to avoid social situations and affect their work and study.
general anxiety disorder
- Excessive anxiety and worry, more anxious days than non-anxious days,
- Has lasted for at least 6 months.
- I find it difficult to control myself.
- Have at least 3 of the following symptoms:
- Fidgeting
- Fatigue easily
- Inattention
- Easily irritable
- muscle tension
- insomnia
Treatment and Prevention
The difference between a psychiatrist and a psychiatrist
- Psychiatrist: Counselor or Psychotherapist. They use psychological and behavioral treatment methods to analyze the causes, conditions, and harms of the disease; help guide and ease the patient's emotions; and help establish new coping methods.
- Psychiatrist: Psychiatrist. Helps patients eliminate suicidal thoughts and behaviors through drug treatment; uses drugs to treat depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc.
- The condition is mild and basically does not affect study and work. You can just see a psychiatrist.
- The condition is serious and has affected study and work. He needs to see a psychiatrist and take medication.
medical treatement
- Antidepressants: Zoloft, Prozac, Effexor, Cymbalta.
- Tranquilizers: Klonopin, Xanax, Valium, Ativan.
- Mood stabilizers: Depakote, Lamictal, Topamax.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
- Dynamic Psychotherapy
- Group Therapy
If a person is under great pressure academically, financially, or in interpersonal relationships, the normal reaction of a person with high tolerance will lead to an increase in stress ability. However, people with low tolerance can cause some abnormal reactions in the body, such as: cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, irregular heartbeat); endocrine diseases (diabetes, thyroid gland disease); immune diseases (allergies, colds, asthma) ); Depression; Anxiety disorders (general, social, obsessive), more severe can lead to addictive behaviors (drinking, drugs, video games).
How to enhance tolerance (Resilience)
- Maintain and improve physical health:
- Pay attention to nutrition
- enough rest
- Regular work and rest: work at sunrise and rest at sunset.
- Regular exercise: such as 2-3 times a week.
- Curing disease
- Maintain good interpersonal relationships
- family
- friend
- classmates, colleagues
- Religious Faith
- Is there a god or is there no god?
- Which god do you believe in? Believe in the God who created the universe and loves us very much. Not only did He create the world for humans to live in, but because of human sin, He did not hesitate to let His only begotten Son come to the world to die for our sins so that we would no longer Suffer the shackles of sin and regain your freedom. The following Bible tells us that when we are under heavy pressure, we should give our cares to God, because He cares about us and will give us peace.
Philippians 4 (6-7)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
5 Peter 7 (XNUMX)
Cast all your worries on God, for He cares about you.
Having faith and establishing a personal relationship with God will help us have confidence in life. Knowing that the Almighty God will take care of and help us will directly help us reduce the stress and anxiety in life.